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     Compressors Technology
     Filtration Technology
     Drying Technology
     Chillier Technology
Accessories for the head of the filter:
- manometer for differential pressure, 
- oil control indicator,
- humidity indicator

Condensate Drains:
- automatic condensate drains, ecodrain ND3000 and ND2000
- manual condensate drain,
- electronic condensate drains with time control

Mounting Kits:
- mounting kit "Standard",
- mounting kit with wall holder
Filter elements and their purification efficiencies:
Pre-filters (P) 99,99% (3 µm)
General purpose filters (Z) 99,9999% (1 µm)
Oil removal filters (X) 99,99999% (0,01 µm)
Super fine filter (S) >99,99999% (0,01 µm)
Filter elements


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